"How Do I Say This??"

Free Workshop for

Writing Stress-Free Emails & Texts

to Your Coparent

Wednesday, October 16th @ 1pm MT / 3pm ET

This workshop is for educational purposes only. It is not legal or medical advice. Always consult your lawyer for any legal concerns.

About The Email-Writing Workshop

  1. Learn how to send a stress-free message on the top 3 common and difficult coparenting topics
  2. Discover new tools to help with write challenging messages
  3. Write an email you've been dreading to send to your coparent and get it ready to go!

Do you have something you need to discuss with your ex

but dread starting the conversation?

Do you waste precious time overthinking your emails instead of focusing on what matters most—your kids?

Do you worry you will unintentionally send a message that will start conflict, even when you’re trying hard to keep things neutral?

Do you anxiously hit send on an email, leaving you stressed out expecting a nasty response from your ex? 

If this is you, you need this workshop!


Why This Workshop is a Game-Changer

After attending this workshop, you'll be able to craft messages to your coparent with ease and confidence. You’ll:

  • Start your email without second-guessing every word.
  • Feel confident that your message is neutral, keeping things focused on the kids and the facts.
  • Stop wasting time spinning in anxiety over how your coparent will react.
  • Hit "send" faster and move on with your day, being fully present with your kids.
  • Stay cool and in control, no longer triggered by your ex’s responses.

This workshop will equip you with tools to manage coparent communication, so you can handle any situation with clarity and calm. You’ll be taking back your time, energy, and peace of mind.

Imagine the relief you will feel sitting down to write your next email without agonizing over what to say! Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Hi, I'm Dr. Stef. I'm a full-time physician and divorced mom of 2.

Going through my divorce, I struggled to communicate well with my ex.

Coparenting became even harder since we were in two houses and weren't on the same page with issues.

I felt like I wasn't expressing my concerns well, and we couldn't come to an agreement on anything easily.

It left me exhausted, frustrated, and at my wits end trying to find how to say things in just the right way.

Then I started to notice a pattern. When I would write things a certain way, we would get along better,          reach an agreement sooner, and I could move on from that issue faster.

I turned this pattern I found into a guide that I follow every time I write an email or a text.

Now, let me share my guide, R.O.A.R. No More™, with you so you don't have to struggle like I did for so long.

Start using my 7-step guide, R.O.A.R. No More™, and you, too, can experience the relief of having better communication with your challenging coparent.

“ROAR NO MORE works! It made me go from a high conflict divorce where we were paying our attorneys to figure things out for every decision to … peace. This tool makes me feel like a mastermind. No drama. No discussions.  I’ve saved thousands of dollars on attorneys fees this year alone!”



 "The best advice was about communicating with my now ex husband.  I kept all my communications business like and to the point and tried to leave out the emotion.  (he definitely did NOT do that, but still I remained stoic.)  Everytime I compose an email to him, I think about leaving out the word "I" and asking "would you consider" rather than telling him what I want him to do.  I also don't respond without really thinking about what I am going to say and reading it over and over again before pressing send.  Sometimes I even have my sister or friend read my communications prior to sending so that I am sure I am saying things the right way.  Since we still have to parent our children together, I think this will forever be in my arsenal."


Don't miss out on this Workshop!

This free email-writing workshop will be the perfect opportunity for you to learn from my years of trial and error.

In under an hour, we will craft an email that you will feel confident sending to your coparent.

You will also be prepared for however the other parent chooses to respond.

Getting your message across in a calm, clear, and concise manner will make it easier and more likely for your coparent to open to cooperating with you.

It may seem like its not possible that just writing an email differently could make THAT much of a difference, but trust me, as someone who has been through it, it makes all the difference in the world. 

Give it a try and see for yourself!

What you will find is the other parent will start to change how they respond without even realizing what is going on. It will be mind-blowing!

You’ll feel like you have a magic power that you never had before.

I want to give this power to you, too, by sharing my 7-Step guide, "R.O.A.R. No More™" and showing you how to use it in this workshop.

To this day, I use my guide every single time I write something to my ex.

It's time for you to be free from unnecessary email and text drama from your ex (yes, it's possible)!


You’ll also be automatically added to my email list. I believe in only sending emails that truly matter, not spam. I share helpful tips and updates on upcoming offerings. You’re welcome to unsubscribe at any time.