Avoid Arguing with your Ex Over Text

A 7-Step Guide to writing texts and emails to your coparent without getting caught up in an argument

This guide is for educational purposes only. It is not legal or medical advice. Always consult your lawyer for any legal concerns.

How To Use the

R.O.A.R. No More™ Guide

  1. Read through the 7 steps.
  2. Look at your last email. Are there any changes you could make?
  3. Follow each step to write your next text or email.

When you've tried everything and nothing seems to work...


"R.O.A.R. NO MORE™" is your essential guide to writing an email or text to your challenging coparent so you can finally avoid arguing.


You'll learn simple techniques to avoid and defuse arguments, stay sane, and get to agreements sooner. 


Use this guide to work through any issue clearly, calmly, efficiently and effectively, regardless of how your coparent reacts.

Hi, I'm Dr. Stef. I'm a full-time physician and divorced mom of 2.

I get it. I've been there.

I thought I was doing everything right- being polite, keeping it business-like, always having my kids' best interest in mind.

And still, every email and text with my ex would trigger my inner mama bear, and we would end up fighting. 

Before I knew it, I had spent hours and days stewing over my interactions with my ex,

spending money on my lawyer/mediation/court, instead of...

being with my kids and soaking up every moment I had with them.

I knew I had to make a change.

So I took control of the conversation and tamed my inner mama bear

using my 7-Step guide, R.O.A.R. No More™.

“ROAR NO MORE works! It made me go from a high conflict divorce where we were paying our attorneys to figure things out for every decision to … peace. This tool makes me feel like a mastermind. No drama. No discussions.  I’ve saved thousands of dollars on attorneys fees this year alone!”



 "The best advice was about communicating with my now ex husband.  I kept all my communications business like and to the point and tried to leave out the emotion.  (he definitely did NOT do that, but still I remained stoic.)  Everytime I compose an email to him, I think about leaving out the word "I" and asking "would you consider" rather than telling him what I want him to do.  I also don't respond without really thinking about what I am going to say and reading it over and over again before pressing send.  Sometimes I even have my sister or friend read my communications prior to sending so that I am sure I am saying things the right way.  Since we still have to parent our children together, I think this will forever be in my arsenal."


Are you stuck in never-ending, back-and-forth of

energy-sucking emails with your ex/coparent?


And no matter what you've tried, nothing seems to work?


Moving on to the better life you'd hoped for after divorce can seem impossible
when you keep dealing with issues from your ex.
And when you have kids with your ex, coparenting is forever.


The R.O.A.R. No More™ guide will help you:

  • craft an email that works FOR you and not against you. 
  • no longer feel anxious about what to write and how to write it. 
  • be able to respond with intention and strategy instead of reacting with big emotions which can lead to long, drawn-out battles. 
  • put the focus back on the children and on the business of being a coparent.

When you can respond with confidence, you will:

  • spend less time writing texts and emails
  • less time going back and forth with your challenging coparent
  • less time and money with your lawyer
  • less mental energy spinning on what the other parent is doing or not doing. 

The best thing about the guide is the other parent doesn’t have to change! 

You don’t have to involve them at all!

But what you will find is the other parent will start to change how they respond without even realizing what is going on. It will be mind-blowing!

You’ll feel like you have a magic power that you never had before!

To this day, I use my guide every single time I write something to my ex.

I want to give this power to you, too, by sharing my 7-Step guide, "R.O.A.R. No More™".

Use this guide to control your Mama Bear "roar" start living a peaceful life after divorce, free from unnecessary drama from your ex (yes, it's possible)!

Get R.O.A.R. No More™ Guide Now!

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