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Why Do I Need A Divorce Coach?

Mar 30, 2022
Dr. Stefanie Huff

    If you've recently entered the divorce world, you might not have heard about a "divorce coach." When I went through my divorce years ago, I didn't even know they existed – all I did was find a lawyer and stop there. Now, I wonder if having a divorce coach during that tumultuous time would have made a difference. Would it still have taken me years to get through the daily struggles of dealing with a challenging co-parent? What exactly is a divorce coach?

   A divorce coach is trained to help anyone at any stage of divorce navigate the emotional and logistical stress of an unfamiliar situation. Going through divorce can feel like playing a game without knowing the rules. Adding a divorce coach to your team can make this difficult process less overwhelming by addressing emotions like shame, guilt, uncertainty, and isolation. This support, guidance, and resources can help you save time, energy, and money.

**Save Time = Resources:** As busy moms, we already have enough on our plates. Trying to navigate the legal system, find a lawyer, and learn how it all works can make the to-do list even more overwhelming. Divorce coaches are skilled in knowing what resources are available, such as CDFAs, CDLPs, and other confusing acronyms. They can help research what you need, so you don't spend your precious time weeding through information that may or may not be helpful.

**Save Energy = Support:** Dealing with the intense emotions that come up during divorce can be draining. Moms, in particular, often carry the invisible mental load for the family. Having to process the emotions of the end of a relationship can be exhausting, even if you're not a parent. A divorce coach acts as a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to put a voice to those strong feelings. Working through emotions can help figure out what is truly important for you during the divorce process, offering clarity useful in planning your strategy for divorce.

**Save Money = Guidance:**After concerns about their kids, finances are the next biggest worry for working moms going through divorce, especially when the average cost of divorce is $15,000. Questions like, "How much is this going to cost? Will I have enough money to live on? How much money will I have to give up or will I be able to receive?" are completely understandable. You might think that paying for a divorce coach is just another expense you can't cover. However, consider this – when you invest in figuring out clearly what is important to you and why you are making the decisions you want to, you will spend less money on lawyers and being involved in the legal side of divorce. This is how you save money – knowing how, when, and why to protect yourself, your family, and your finances. It can be challenging to come up with these answers on your own, and the last thing you want to do is make a wrong decision. Having someone there to help guide you through your personal situation will make sure you are protecting yourself, your family, and your finances with a strategy for a quicker and easier divorce.

No matter what stage of divorce you are in – contemplating, in the thick of it, or years later – a divorce coach can help make a difficult situation less difficult by saving you time, energy, and money.


Ready to Learn More? 

To learn more about divorce coaching and how it can help you save time, energy & money,  sign up for a free NEXT STEPS CALL WITH DR. STEF here.

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(photo by @lauraorozcophotography)